What are the Benefits of having a Sofa Cum Bed ?

Comfort translates to the feeling of homeliness. A sofa-cum-bed allows you to stretch your legs while watching movies and comfortably sit for long hours at family get-together parties. 

If you don’t already, read ahead to understand the concept of a sofa-cum-bed. Then, scroll further to explore the uncharted benefits of this versatile piece of furniture.

What is a Sofa-cum-Bed?

Sofa-cum-bed is multipurpose furniture that serves as a couch for lounging and a bed for sleeping. Top manufacturers like Springtek spoil you for choices by providing multiple colour and pattern options. The furniture expands the living room, and its design creates a cohesive bond with your interior. A sofa-cum-bed is durable and versatile and definitely a better investment than any regular couch. 

Types of Sofa-cum-Beds

A sofa-cum-bed comes in a variety of styles, as listed below. 

  • Daybeds: Daybeds take out the ‘sofa’ from sofa-cum-beds by providing a twin-bed design. You can place them in guest or study rooms for doubling up as a bed for power naps. It can also work as a love seat or additional sofa in your room when not in use. This space-conscious furniture serves the purpose of seating, sleeping, lounging, and reclining. 

  • Pull-outs: Pull-outs are a type of twin mattresses. In the first look, it appears as a traditional sofa. But when needed, you can pull out an additional mattress from under the sofa to make a bed. 

  • Foldouts: Foldouts are sofas with multiple cushions to increase the comfort level. You get to enjoy the best nights of sleep on a foldout. However, it might appear less cushiony when functioning as a couch. 

Top reasons to choose a sofa-cum-bed

Selecting a sofa or sofa-cum-bed is one of the wisest investments for any house. As you sit, sleep, snack, and rest on your couch most of the time, it must be made of the best materials that guarantee comfort. Getting a feature-rich sofa-cum-bed is essential for the following reasons. 

  • Accommodate guests: For people who love socialising, a sofa-cum-bed adds extra space in the living room. It compensates for the lack of guest bedrooms by offering a soft base to sleep. Make it a comfortable couch during the day and open it to make a cosy sofa bed during the night. 

  • Space efficient: A sofa-cum-bed is perfect for small apartments and bijou houses. Some pieces come with additional storage, making them a seating-cum-storage unit of the living room or bedroom. 

  • Power nap station: Tired of working all day? Take a break by expanding your sofa into a spacious bed. It saves your body from the discomfort of folded knees and allowing a comfortable sleeping experience. 

Summing it up 

Springtek manufactures alluring designs of sofa-cum-beds that serve as the perfect highlight of the living room. With a focus on aesthetics and minimalism, the products add functionality to your space without overcrowding the room. 

COPYSCAPE: The 5% plagiarised text only includes the words ‘sofa cum bed’ and ‘a sofa’. See second screenshot. Nugatory.


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